Five signs that it’s time to change your guitar strings 

Be honest – what’s the last time you changed the strings on your guitar? String mileage varies – some guitar players change them religiously every month, while others allow their strings to get “seasoned” a bit more. Whatever your preference is, here are five signs that it’s definitely time to change your strings:  


They look bad 

Strings that need to be changed may look dull, tarnished, or pitted. They might also look or feel dirty. 


They don’t sound as good as they should 

Strings may start to buzz or rattle near the end of their lifetime, and their tone might sound dull or flat. 


It hurts to play 

Old strings don’t bend as easily as fresh ones, so you might find yourself exerting extra strength to play. 


They won’t stay in tune 

If you find yourself reaching for a tuner more frequently than usual, it might be time to change your strings. Bear in mind that new strings may take a few days to stretch, so aim to do it a couple of days before any performances if possible. 


You have a broken string 

Breaks are a sign that it’s time for new strings – so if you have time, restring the entire guitar. 


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